Having God Part of the Branding Design Process

As believers, we are always reminded to trust God with every area and detail of our lives. But how often do we mean that? I know that for me if I’m being honest I trust God with the areas I don't mind handing over control. Though the areas that I care deeply about are the areas that I struggle with and am improving to release and let him lead. As a creative designer, I have been trying to have God be part of those areas too. For some people that may seem over spiritual or silly, I get it. But I have been viewing it lately with a fresh sense of obedience and love. God is ultimately the giver of gifts and skills that we can bring into the world. He is also the master creator of all creation, so I’m sure he knows how to guide and steer the creating process. Today I wanted to talk about why it is important to have God part of the creative process, and how you can bring him in. 

Why have God in the process?

I also did want to mention that the reason I need to have him in the process when I am branding is that I don’t take lightly how impactful branding is to a business so for me it is even a great place to humbly acknowledge that I can’t do it alone. But want his hand of guidance through something as important as branding design. I believe that it can be an integral way of growing our faith in our Creator and trusting him with our gifts. That acknowledgment that he goes before us allows us to not necessarily carry it alone.

What does it do to the process?

I know that once we have a process down as designers we just repeat it with not much thought since we have done it several times before. It’s what helps us have a streamlined process that gets things to be smoother. But something I want to offer to include in the process is active moments in prayer to talk with God through it. What do I mean by this? Here is how I play out the process when it comes to designing and having him in the process, especially as a brand designer. I incorporate prayer in certain milestones of the process for example before my client's creative direction call I pray for us to get to the main root of what their audience is struggling with and what will help them. During my exploration phase, I ask for the direction to get the right creative path to design with the audience in mind. Those are a few examples of what it looks like for me. What I believe this does to the process is that it invites peace, wisdom, and direction from God in what you are doing. 

What results from having God a part of it?

I mentioned that having God a part of your creative process can bring things like peace, wisdom, and direction. What I have noticed when I am intentional with bringing and having God a part of the process in my designing is that I get to a design that feels right but also matches the goal or intention. I am not saying that God will just give an image or tell you exactly how something will be. There may be more of an inspiration or exploration flow that comes smoother. But that there are those moments that reassure you are on the right track to align with the design brief. 

Have you been feeling like you are missing out on something in your creative process? This may be it. I invite you to try some of these things out in your creative process! I hope that helps you have a fresh perspective of God in your creativity. As well as incorporate some in your own.


Client spotlight: Beautiful as You