How My Faith Shapes My Business

Perspectives for you to keep in mind on how your faith can shape and impact yours.

To me, my spiritual faith shapes all the areas of my life and that includes my business. This comes from a place of reading God’s word daily and being in a community that pushes me to be more like Jesus. For me, there is no secular divide between God and my everyday responsibilities. Now I do want to say that I don’t always get everything right and I am constantly seeking to improve. But I wanted to share with you some areas that my faith shapes my business. I hope that it helps you see how your faith can shape your business as well.

It Shapes my mindsets: 

Change happens in our minds and our hearts. An area that recently has shaped me significantly is my thinking and my mindsets. Especially to what God says about the different areas in my life. It starts with this mission that God put on my heart to serve him especially with the talents and gifts he has given me. Using my design and creative skills to the best of my abilities, to share his good news gives me a purpose. Recently, however, I have also started thinking of myself not necessarily as an owner of a business but as a steward. But you may be thinking, “but you are the owner” and yes technically I am the owner of my business. Although when you start to think of yourself as a steward your mind shifts and the decisions and choices you make come from a place of seeking God’s wisdom and will. 

It leads my paths: 

I still have responsibilities that I have to make daily but I feel empowered that I don’t have to do it alone because I have God to help me, with His Holy Spirit to guide me. He leads me in the direction that I should go as I read his word. Now that’s not to say that I won’t make mistakes but that even if I do, God will help me as I search out for him in that issue. His leading makes me feel like I don’t have to have it all perfect, I can trust that the path is laid out and just right. With that, I can intentionally and purposely take the action and steps he wants. 

Shapes the way I connect with others:

It gives me great joy to seek to connect with those who he has put around me and those that I engage with. He has called me to encourage others. He helps me see that the focus is not solely to be on me but to serve others by reaching and teaching what I can for what he puts on my heart. What he may put on my heart to create or even talk about encourages me to do it with the best of quality in mind. I realize I am not only creating for people but truly, I am creating for God. To honor and worship him. 

It opens up an invitation: 

All of this is an invitation that God puts before us. It is already his but he allows us to come alongside him to steward it. You and I get to co-work over what he has called us to. Let’s go in prayer to God almighty. As we seek his wisdom and direction he will guide and equip us. The question is will you take his invitation? 

How has your faith shaped your business?


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