How do I reach a goal: 8 simple questions to ask to get you started

Where does learning start? It starts from being a kid in the season of life where you are developing, especially your brain. As a child, your brain is like a sponge you're trying to take it all in. You are using all your senses like smell, hearing, seeing and tasting, and touch. You take notice of what your mom and dad are doing. What they say or how they do things. Like when you are eating you look at them on how to hold a fork. We look at their facial expression to know if we will even like what they are eating (even though we know how they are good to mask how it actually tastes). It is quite interesting when you think about it. Kids are just so naturally curious. Especially with their many questions. But we give them grace (at least we try) because there's so much that is new to them. We already know so much from living on earth longer. We brush away the genuine curiosity that we forget their questions are indeed valid. They don’t know what we know. Being fresh with no former knowledge on what is good or what is bad or what is the right way or what is wrong. 

I say all that because there are several points here that we can take from to continue our journeys of development and growth. I have become quite inspired by children and their newfound love to grow and learn. I believe that as adults we need this also in our journey in self-development. It starts with questions. Questions are vital and need to be addressed when we are wanting to find ways to develop. I remember early as a child not wanting to ask questions really because I didn’t want to burden or bother people. But I realized it was hindering me from growing in my potential. I had to put aside the fear of looking dumb or not smart to give way to humility. Humility shows that you don’t know, but it's okay because you are willing to ask and work through it to improve. I truly believe there is potential in every person to keep becoming the best version of themselves that God created them to be. Here are some great questions to ask when starting:

  1. What is a goal or dream that I would like to realize?

  2. Or in what area do I want to develop?

  3. What do I need to do or put in place to get there?

  4. Are my current habits leading to that goal?

  5. What habits need to be cut out and which need to be added to help?

  6. Is there a relationship I need to build that can guide me to that goal?

  7. Is there a skill set I need to have?

  8. Who can I share this goal and dream with that will encourage me and keep me accountable? 

For me, the desire to reach the best version of myself is a factor that motivates me to try and experiment to get better. To find what is not working and what areas can be so much better. It is a process that you consciously, continuously, and actively have to do. I have a habit to review weekly, monthly, annually different areas of my life to the best of my ability. I am not perfect when it comes to all of this but I do my best to keep putting the work in. Something that makes it even better in this process is when I bring my sisters and family to those areas and I can ask them if they see areas I should improve. Now I do always go to the Lord after I receive the feedback because I want to make sure it aligns with the person God is wanting me to become and not just something that someone doesn’t like about me. But with those who are closest to me, I can talk to them about my dreams and they can help me see steps to realize that. They take the time to go through what I am doing and what it will take to get to where I want to be. And the thing is that some of the dreams or goals I wanted to do may not come true because there was a different path that needed to be taken. Here is a list of areas of life that you can review:

Vocational (Occupation/Career)
Avocational (Hobbies)

For a moment let me share some practical steps for you that have helped me and what I still use. There is no right or wrong way and truly I want you to find the way that works for you. The first thing I would say is to pick one dream or goal or area you hope to be a reality or an area you want to improve. I say one because we can get caught up with many dreams. I understand this because I am a dreamer and visionary and get an overload of ideas. But to start with one, it will help you focus more energy on changing areas of your life to get there. As you get the hang of the first it will help do more in your lifetime. Then share it with either a mentor, friend, family member, or even a pastor. They may have insight for you or people to connect you with. Then just feed your new motivation to learn and this hunger to make it a reality. But also permit yourself to experiment. Like I mentioned earlier this one goal or dream may morph into something entirely different and that is okay. Here is a list of places and resources to start gaining knowledge:

Your library 
Coaches/ Mentors
Ultimately God as you go in prayer

It's not a straight path to the life you want but instead a thousand loops and turns that is the will that God has for each individual. Some paths will intersect others will barely pass each other and others still won't come close. But I see how, truly, development and growth play an important factor in our lives. Let’s try to find that curiosity to continue to grow as a child does. I am in awe of the uniqueness of how God makes all things work together. 

What is one area that you want to develop and grow in? What is a goal you’re wanting to realize?

Let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to dive deeper into.


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