The ways to fight the battle of the mind: The tools that can equip you

There is an invisible battle that we are facing. I understand that mental health issues have been on the rise and take some form in many people's lives. It can be anything from anxiety, depression, to un-manageable amounts of stress. I went during a season of time that I struggled with anxiety and restlessness. This time came from a period when I felt like I wasn't contributing to God’s kingdom and a time when I felt like I wasn’t sure what my purpose was. During these months I was unsure of what the future would be like or how God would use me and I was left waiting to see what would come next. Right after college in job searching, I struggled to find work and it led to me doubting God’s faithfulness. While searching I would see on social media how others were successfully living out their lives or what seemed that way. I slipped into thoughts that were unhealthy and not from God. But through some hard fighting with God’s word and other things that needed to be put in place, led to a journey of healing. I am still always in the process of renewing my mind but there are some things that I have learned to help me in this battle. I want to share those with you so you can be equipped to start your journey of healing as well. Now I have to state that I am not a therapist or psychologist. If you are dealing with a serious mental health issue I do recommend seeking professional help. What I am sharing is all from my experience and my journey and what has and continues to help me. 

What to look for in the process of renewing your mind:

If you are going through anxiety, stress, or depression it is helpful to ask some questions and to take inventory of what thoughts you're thinking. Questions that you can ask are why am I thinking this? Was there something that just happened that led to this thought? Who are the people around me, are they building me up or tearing me down? Is this the truth of God or is this a lie from my spiritual enemy? What have I been listening to or looking at? Do these things add to the stress or anxiety? Those questions can help in understanding why you might be feeling or thinking a certain way. 

What to avoid in times of hardship:

When I was going through this season I didn’t know that some things that I was doing were making matters worse. But now that I am getting better I realized that isolation and comparison are things I need to try to be careful with. Now when it comes to isolation, I am talking about retreating from those who love you. Or trying to handle it all yourself without bringing someone into the situation. It is important to seek their help and strength. Now there are times that you need to be re-energized and drawing into quiet time with yourself is helpful. However, In isolation, a lot of thoughts can come into your head that without a loved one helping you it can be hard to identify that the thoughts you had are not true. On your own, it can be hard to recognize that. As I mentioned, comparison is another one to avoid. I know that is a lot easier said than done. But what are you looking at or who are listening to during this season? What I came to find is that my life is like no one else and there is no right or wrong path. There can be areas of straying away from God’s plan but he is so gracious that if we ask him to help us get on the right path he will be there with us. God’s plan for me is unique to me. What I see someone else do is their journey their story which then free’s me to celebrate with them instead of envy them. 

Steps to improving:

In this journey, I have learned ways that have helped me get better in the process of renewing my mind to the truth of God and my identity in Jesus. I don’t always get it perfect but I try every day to keep moving toward God. Here are steps that I continue to do that might help you.

  1. Be aware of your thinking. Think about what you are thinking about. Is that thought in alignment with God and his truth. Sometimes we need to start by asking God to help us see the thoughts or parts of our lives that don’t align with him. 

  2. Read God’s word. To know the truth of what God says of you starts with knowing him and his word. Spend time daily digging deep into scripture and prayerfully ask God to help his word to penetrate your heart and mind.

  3. Express your gratitude toward God and in your life. Writing 3 things that I am grateful for each day at the end of my day is a habit that I have built. It helps me to recognize that it is good around me and so much to give thanks to God. It shifts my mindset on gratitude instead of focusing on what I don't have or where I am not. You don’t have to write 3 to start with one.

  4. Detox your thoughts. Write out the lie that has been the main thought in your mind and next to it write out the truth that scripture says. You may have to search scripture for what combats that lie. This method I learned from Dr. Caroline Leaf who is an amazing communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist that shares the process on how to renew our mind and goes into detail on these steps in her books. She focuses on helping people improve their mental health. On top of the writing, I suggest speaking the truth out loud to fortify it. It may sound silly at first but this will strengthen the truth of God's spirit within you.

  5. Consistency. This is a process and a life's journey of renewing our minds and becoming more of the person God created us to be. Keep going and don’t give u!. The truth will become stronger in your thoughts. That's when change starts to happen. Keep fighting!

Tools and resources to equip you:

I did not get better overnight in the battle for my mind and honestly am still seeking improvement. It is a consistent and daily choice. From that season when I did not know how God was going to use me to even today I choose to keep at it in this fight. I have learned from others and read books that have truly equipped me. I want to share those with you to get the tools in your hands to be prepared and find the road to healing. What is the step you need to start winning the battle of your mind?

Romans 12:2
Hebrews 4:12
Psalms 34:6-7
2 Corinthians 4:8
Genesis 50:20
2 Corinthians 10:5
Philippians 4:13

These are great books that I have read and have influenced me in my journey when taking my thoughts captive. check out theses book that you can get on amazon from my affiliate link with no extra cost to you. They are books that are powerful to winning the battle in your mind!


Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel

Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table by Louie Giglio

Get out of your head by Jennie Allen

Cleaning up your mental mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer


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