How To Build Out a Passion Project

So, you have a project idea in your head, but it seems a bit daunting, where do you start? If you're like me I get passion project ideas in my head all the time and I get excited to do them. I do have a running list of ideas where I put them when they come to mind if I’m inspired by something. But I understand it can feel like a lot depending on how big your project might be. I do want to mention that passion projects don’t have to be big or very in-depth. It could be a single idea such as for a packaging design project. When working on any project I like to break it down into small tasks that I need to do. But before I break down the process for building and creating your project make sure to head to my first blog on passion projects. It will help you understand what project to work on, focusing on what you want to get more work from and the kind of clients you want to work with.   

Habits when building a passion project: 

Like I mentioned I tend to get some ideas for different projects I would like to explore. However, I will say that it helps to create a habit of writing them out to save them for when you have the time. It is also great if you can work on a project, you're excited about as soon as you get the idea so that you are motivated to create it. Every so often I go back to the list I wrote if I have the time. (It may be a slow season in my business) But then I pick which one is one, I would like to work on. Or one that I would like to get those kinds of clients. At times, however, there are project ideas I wrote down that no longer excite me to create and that is okay. Find out what you and your business need at the time.  

The Process:  

When you have narrowed in on the project you want to work on, I recommend breaking down all that needs to be done for it. So, you can get that on paper or a digital note-taking app. For example, if I was wanting to do a passion project that is branding for a wellness company, then I need to start with a name for that company. Research that industry and how I want mine to stand out, then do the identity design, mockups (putting the brand in context in the real world), and lastly marketing material to showcase the project on different social media platforms.  In every category, you work on for your project break it down to make it attainable and help focus on what is a priority to work on. Your process might look a little different depending on what your project is. It could be packaging design for a product, animation for a studio, a pattern you want to apply to products or stationery goods, etc. The ideas are as big as your imagination. I did want to make a note that, the quality of your mockup makes a big difference in how it’s showcased. Make sure to get high-quality mockups. Great places to find mockups are on Creative Market, Design Cuts, Mr. Mockups, Behance (they sometimes provide good mockups), and many more.  


Marketing Platforms to showcase your work: 

We all know how important it is to have our projects put into our portfolio on our websites, but what people forget is, that you also have to find other ways to put your work in front of those potential clients. Most of the time that may mean posting images of your project on social media and sharing about and directing them to your website portfolio. It helps to know what social media platforms your dream clients are on to get it in front of them. That might mean putting it on places like Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or even other portfolio sites like Behance or Dribble to name a few.  


Does the process seem less daunting now? I hope so and that what I shared with you makes it practical on the steps and process for you to get started. Let me know what passion project you are going to start working on.


Gratitude and Thankfulness All Year Round


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