Why Design Is An Investment: Not Just A Cost

Have you ever gotten a quote from a designer and come to be a little surprised by what they showed you? At times it can be several times over what you might have expected. I understand it can come as a surprise. A designer’s prices may seem high. However, I wanted to give you a shift in mindset. To see it as an investment to your business, then a cost. I also want to share what all goes into the higher prices points with a designer. I also wanted to speak into phases of your business when it might be best to invest in a designer and what you can do if you are not quite there yet. 

Time and Experience:

A lot of times, a designer may have both an education and skillsets in aspects of design. But, a bigger portion is that of the experience that they have in their industry. In my case, I have a bachelor’s degree in design but, outside of that, I keep educating myself in design and the ways I can better improve my client’s experience in my creative process. The time that I as a designer puts my energy into creating designs that solve your problems is a lot of times several hours for the solution. These designs are to make sure it is right just for you. The results that a design can achieve are to bring value for you and your business. 

Expertise and Value:

There are several ways that design can bring positive returns to your business. A designer for your branding can help the longevity with the connection to that of your customers. It helps build that like, know, and trust factor all done by the power of design and messaging. Grounded by the foundation of your values, mission, and beliefs. A designer works through to share with your audience your brand. Which results in an increase of customers to what you offer to help them with. 

As I mentioned before, a designer like myself is eager and passionate about finding ways to provide you with a solution to a problem that you are struggling with or facing. At times what they may be helping you solve may seem like just a design-related problem. However, it can have a positive impact on your sales. Bringing to you a much higher value to the services that they offer and the results that you get. I enjoy the way Chris Do stated it based on Jim Rohn’s business philosophy “Don’t spend a small effort for a big result and don’t spend a big effort for a small result.”

Designer/Creatives have expenses too:

Part of creating the solutions we do for our clients as designers and creative business owners is having the tools to do so. We have expenses that we have to keep up with to do what we provide. For creatives, this is business expenses, personal expenses, and taxes that we have to make sure to set aside as self-employed. Just as any business owner or brand has expenses with a building, supplies, or platforms you use to run things smoothly. So do designers and creatives. 

When is the right time to Invest?

Different seasons of your business may benefit more when it comes to investing in a designer. If you are a small business that has just started this might not be the best time for you. This is okay! Because you may be testing and experimenting on your voice and how your audience is responding to you. Most of the time a business that has established itself and has a clear picture of its customers and audience with a focused mission is ready to invest in their business. They understand the value that a designer or creative can do for their business or brand. 

Suggestions to other options if you are not ready to invest:

As I mentioned, it is okay if you are not in a place where it makes sense to invest in your business. I have some great alternatives that might help for this season of your business. Until you are ready to work with a designer to get a stronger value. Here are a few places to start.

Semi-customizable Brands:

There are places like Etsy or Creative Market that offer semi-customizable brands with identity sets that you can change the text to and change colors. This comes in handy when you may not be skilled in design to do it on your own. 

Website Templates:

You may not be at a place to hire a web designer and web developer to create for you a custom website this season. However, a great alternative is building out your website with a template. These templates are themselves created by web designers meaning that there is a sense of structured design however, they are creating for a general audience. This means others may have a design similar to yours. But the good thing is that you customize the use of images, fonts, colors to make it your own. Big Cat Creative is a great one that I would recommend. 

I hope that is blog has helped you to see the value that design can bring to your business. Why it is an investment and not just a cost? But also have an understanding if you are in place to start making a difference for your brand and business. As well as if you are not in a place to do that I provided a helpful alternative to meet you where you are now. 

Comment “valuable” if you see design as an important part of positive change for your business?


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