How working with a designer is a partnership for your branding design

When it comes to any business owner wanting to start the process of branding or re-branding it can be tough to find a brand designer that fits best with you. It is such an important aspect of your brand and business. 

The way I view is that this relationship is a partnership. It’s important to build trust in this relationship. Not only for the results of the project but the satisfaction of the process as well. I wanted to talk about how working with a designer is a partnership and why as well. I hope this gives you the insights when looking for that awesome brand designer that you will get to work with.

Meaningful Results:

As part of joining up with a designer in this very important endeavor that you will be taking is important to know that they care about the success of your business. They will see the importance of taking meaningful decisions of the visuals as well as your why. The designer will care to ask those deeper meaning questions to get to know you and your audience. Which will lead the results in working together to be focused and intentional. With my clients, I make it a point to ask a series of questions that I call our brand strategy call. Here I ask my clients to answer those questions to dig deep on why did they start their business, what are their goals for the future, and to know what their audience thinks of them and so much more. This lets us both know we are on the same page. Helping me the designer make visual design choices when it comes to their visual identity to the people that will be connecting with their brand.


Coming together for branding or re-branding usually starts because there is a problem that the business owner is having. The designer you partner up with is there to help you gain a solution to that problem. Through cooperation and clear communication comes a moment of trust for the designer to guide that business owner toward what will help. Through the sharing of ideas, hopes, dreams, and goals that the client desires help the designer get a big and clearer picture of what direction to go. I enjoy this part of the process with my clients because I get to hear what those hopes and dreams are for what they picture their brand to be like for themselves and their customers. I find joy in working together to solve this problem and exploring what the possibilities could be. Making sure it is well thought out and centered on strategy. 

Flourish and Grow:  

A special relationship is formed with a designer helping another business owner. They get to help that business flourish and grow in their continuous work together to see that brand connecting with the audience. Designers get to support and encourage the business owner in the work they are doing and their mission. For me making sure my client not just currently gets better but continuously does is important. This is where I get to form a lasting relationship for future projects we will get to work on together. 

Got a clearer picture of what to look for in a brand designer? I hope so, let me know if you have any questions down below. 

Let’s work together to transform your brand!



Serving out of your identity in Christ


How Brand Strategy Can Transform Your Business