How Brand Strategy Can Transform Your Business

With an intentional design, a business can have impactful transformation for themselves and their audience. I wanted to use the caterpillar-to-butterfly analogy to explain (even though they kind of creep me out lol) what occurs when a business’s brand is met with intentional design. There are four stages to the cycle of a butterfly. The first stage is the egg and at this stage, this to-be creature is being planted. So that, it lives on. Similar to the start of a business, we decide to take the leap and plant that dream into the ground with the hopes that it grows. I get it; I have been there planting my dream and doing what I can to keep it going to grow and develop. I understand the importance of that business dream flourishing. I enjoy working with businesses because I want them to be seen and be known for what they have decided to build.

 But similar to the next stage of a butterfly, the feeding stage is where you need to feed your business and brand what it needs to be prepared for when it grows bigger than what it is now. For a butterfly, they can grow up to 100 times their size. This might very well happen to your business too, but there are things you have to do now to be able to take that all on. Area’s like brand strategy, brand identity, clear messaging, a marketing plan are but a few that make a huge impact and help people into the transition stage. 

The transition stage is a great time in your business to implement these important decisions. Working with a brand designer can help clarify your brand identity, which will allow you to grow with ease. However, like the butterfly, it may not look like anything is happening from the outside looking in. Especially, for your audience or business. Working with clients in this stage I get to understand the why behind it. Digging deeper into the authentic relationship they want to build with their ideal audience. This is done by designing specifically for them. A lot will happen when you go through the strategic branding process to get it feeling just right for you and your target audience. This is what I enjoy doing for my clients as I guide them through it. I focus on this area to give them the energy to focus on what they do best. 

Then you can finally take that beautiful and well-thought-out brand and fly right into that new area to sell your products or share your knowledge with those who will rave over your brand. With intentional design and clear brand messaging you get to attract your fans. While also attracting new ones that connect with your brand in a meaningful way that is perfect for them. 

Are you ready to transform your business? 

Let’s work together to transform your brand!



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