Letting go of your expectations: To let God share his

This is not how I thought things would go or this is not where I thought I would be by now. Have you ever had these thoughts? For me, these come up in my head more often than I would like to admit. I can get frustrated or disappointed that the plans I had thought didn’t come true. I thought I would be further along in my career, live in a certain place, make a certain amount. But in short, we’re unsatisfied with the expectations we created. Are you feeling like this too, friend? I understand I can easily get stuck in this kind of mentality. This is why I wanted to share with you the way that I am working on improving. What I have learned personally and from others.

Defining your expectations

I think it is important to start by defining what you expected your life to be like. Then ask yourself why I expected this to happen. What factors influenced this. Was it social media, family, friends, mentors? Expectations are not inherently bad. It’s good to dream and want better for your life. But there is a difference when we hold this one idea as the only way you will succeed or will be satisfied. For example, I thought that by now I would have my dream creative studio. But that is not my reality right now (hopefully one day I will work towards it). This was influenced by social media and the artists and designers I follow. They are already at this stage where I want to be. Now it’s your turn, write out the list of expectations that you had for your life. Analyze where this was influenced. Because next, we are going to do something I learned from pastor Mike Todd in a message series called Rip Up Your List you can check out here

Rip up your list

Now that you have your list of the expectations that you created it's time to rip up your list. Yes, physically tear the sheet in half. This physical gesture signals to your brain this list is not concrete. Pastor Mike Todd had such a great message about this and continued it in the message called Let God Rewrite Your List. This series is in the context of relationships. However, I also thought it could be for just the various areas of life as well. The message talked about the need to take our list and be willing to let God rewrite our list. We let God share with us his plans for us. Which will be better than anything we had thought up. I love the way Proverbs 19:21 MSG put it “We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails.” Now I understand that me telling you to rip up the list is easier said than done. But it liberates your heart and mind to open up to God. To allow him to help you dig deeper. That he is all you need to be satisfied. That success is his will not your own. The times I have seen things turn out for the best were the times when even afraid of the unknown I trusted it to God. It’s important to note that just because you haven’t reached that thing that was on your list, maybe because there are things you have to go through to prepare for it.

Letting Go

Letting go of your list gives way to God’s list. His list is full of love and goodness for our lives. It does not mean it will be easy but it is filled with purpose. However, that can only happen when we let him show us. This new perspective is one I am learning to adapt to. Any new perspective that you want to start thinking about takes a daily practice of applying. Here are some things that I do that help me seek this new perspective. 

  • To have gratitude over where I am at and what I have been given.

  • Mindfully surrendering my list of expectations to God. I do that by simply in my head declaring to God that at that moment I surrender it to him. This may have been prayed to God frequently and that is okay!

  • Praying to God about my hopes and dreams but also listening to what he calls me to. As you spend time in God’s word pray he shows you what that may be.

  • Talking to God continuously about what is on your heart and mind. Journaling is a great way to do that. It also helps you see what you are putting down to analyze. 

Are you ready to rip up your list? Friend, what is one thing you know for sure you need to rip up?


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