Are you burned out? Learn why it’s important to recharge creatively

Burnout takes hold of a lot of creatives at some point in their careers. I can say that has been me before. As I write this blog, I can feel myself feeling like it might be one of those seasons again. However, I wanted to help you and me find ways that we can take healthy creative breaks to be re-charged to create the quality we know that we can and even create better. Back in 2019, I came to a point where I was just burnt out. It was a time when I thought I had to post every day on Instagram and do #allthechallenges. Every creative challenge that an artist or designer that I followed post I wanted to do it. I thought that if I posted every day it would help increase my following which I now don’t even worry about anymore. Because it is not about the quantity anymore for me, more about the quality of what I can share with others and the value I can give. I remember posting an image saying that I was going to be taking a rest to bring even better content. When in reality I didn’t even want to think about creating another thing. If you have been here or are currently in this place I want to let you know don’t be discouraged there are things you can do and put in place to recharge creatively.

What can lead to burnout

A lot of times, it is the simple go-go-go of life that leaves us feeling exhausted, spent like we have nothing else to give. Overworking can be something that we can glorify but in reality, it is quite destructive to our bodies and spirits. For creatives, business owners, or entrepreneurs there is a culture in our society to always be creating, posting, sharing. This is unrealistic for most people. We have several parts of our lives that need time. It can not all go to just creating content to keep up with others. If you're doing this don’t worry I was there and I am still renewing the way I think about what I create and the importance of caring for a healthy lifestyle that is right for me. Not what I have to do because others are doing. 

Be in tune with warning signs of burnout

When it comes to burnout there can be several things that influence it. It can come from other parts of your life. It is all connected. which is affected as a whole. I am no doctor to diagnose anything or even recommend anything in detail. I can only speak from my experience and what I have learned. It helped me to evaluate and analyze the reason why I might be feeling a certain way. Signs that I realized I was either heading toward burnout or was in creative burnout was: 

  • Exhausted and tired to create anything 

  • Anxious or stressed if I did not create something

  • Not inspired creatively 

  • Comparing myself which leads to competitive feeling to make more

But friend, it doesn’t have to stop here in this feeling of creative burnout. It takes time, grace, and renewing your mind on this idea of creating to see change.

How to recharge creatively

Recognizing what you need is important when it comes to recharging creatively. A great place to start is scheduling days to have breaks from what you do. I enjoy the way designer Abbey McGrew from Wayfarer Design Studio calls her rest day creative health days. Taking either a couple of hours or a whole day from your workweek to do what you need to get rest. To work in areas creatively that are outside client work. Even making sure you take a lunch break could be a start. I know some people may think I do take lunch breaks. What I mean is close your laptop, leave the electronics and that space. To go have a healthy hearty lunch so that your mind can have a break from it all. Afterwards, you can even go on a walk to get some fresh air. I say this, after all, I used to forget that it was lunchtime because I was so focused on working or not unplugging from my phone. It might be helpful to set an alarm to remind you to take a break. 

I did want to touch on making sure you have a work and personal life balance. As creative, we can take creative work with us after working hours but setting those boundaries helps give yourself rest. You can also use this time to do something that relaxes, refreshes, or energizes you. This can be:

  • Reading. This can be any book you enjoy.

  • Physical activity. Yoga, Running, or any kind of exercise. 

  • Listen to music. I enjoy listening to worship music or any song on my playlist.

  • Read your bible. Time spent in God’s word refreshes me in ways so deep. 

  • Going to a museum. Looking at art that is new to you can inspire you.

  • Try a new skill or medium. Experimenting with new art outside of what you know can spark new inspiration and ideas in your work. Check out Skillshare here. It is an amazing platform to explore different art and creative fields. I have used them to improving my design and illustrative skills. They also have some great classes for hand lettering with practical steps to improving.  With the link you get one month free of Skillshare premium! 

  • Hanging out with friends and family. It’s so easy to get caught up in work that you forget to cultivate those relationships that encourage you. 

Preventive care truly helps you to be your best. Serve others your best. Focus on what matters most in life. What matters most to you. 

What is one way that you are going to recharge creatively?


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