Mindset shift: What are you looking for? The positives or negatives in life.

Have you ever stopped to think about what you dwell on? Part of changing your perspective or keeping it in an optimistic view is always found at the center of your thoughts. Thoughts can also lead to negative perspectives. Both are a choice that we can make. Tired of all the negativity or limited perspectives that instead fill us with fear and robs us of joy? I definitely am! But it takes some changing how you think and your internal world by feeding it on the right things. 

What are you consuming to influence your attitude?

A lot of times, what you most decide to consume will be the results or your perspectives and attitudes in your life. The things that we allow into our everyday lives affect us emotionally and mentally. Are you watching the news every few hours? Are people around you bringing you down? What kind of friend group do you have? Friends that are looking to find ways to get better in areas of their lives and that are encouraging to you. What are you looking at on your social media feed? Are you comparing yourself to someone? Countless events in our lives may seem small or insignificant but over time they make an impact on how we are thinking. I like the way pastor Craig Groeschel says it “The quality of your life will never exceed the quality of your thoughts.” A great analogy that I have heard others explain is that of a hummingbird and vulture. What are you deciding to feed your mind? A hummingbird is actively looking for things that are sweet and good. While on the other hand, a vulture is actively looking for things that are dead and lifeless. I hope that I can help share ways to seek life-giving and sweet things in life. 

Habits to build for a life-giving perspective

Starve fear feed faith: 

A good habit to build is analyzing the things that trigger fear. Maybe it was watching the news right before bed. When you are aware of what triggered your fear, which in this case most likely kept you up all night. You can make sure to then replace the news with gratitude journaling. Over time you will experience rest and peace going to bed with your mind in a state of gratitude and thankfulness. Starve the negative habits with positive ones builds up your faith in this life.

Seek truth

Understanding your self-talk is important because that will affect how you view yourself in this world. Is what your saying to yourself true or is it a lie. For me, it’s important to make sure my thoughts are aligning with biblical scripture of what God says of me. Those are true and good to meditate on.

Encourage others and yourself

A way to see a more positive perspective is by encouraging others. Looking purposefully for something positive and uplifting gives you something to look for in the day. But I recommend encouraging those around you. You would be surprised how much genuine encouragement can help those around you. You're also filled with joy for uplifting someone else. The same can be done for yourself. Yes, encouraging yourself changes your mood and attitude for the day. A little pep talk of sorts can do just the thing.

Hold on to hope

The struggles that we face can be a chance to help us grow but usually, that happens by us first learning from those struggles. Tough times are a part of our lives. However, there is a choice like I have been talking about throughout this blog. I believe the biggest one is to hold on to hope in the middle of trialing circumstances. Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Or to cherish a desire with anticipation. Let’s expect with confidence that the hope we hold on to will carry us into God’s peace. 

What are ways that you seek to purposefully, fill your day with positivity? 


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