My favorite everyday productivity sites: What I use in my business

I don't know about you but for me, it's fun to learn about new productivity hacks or sites that I can use to make things smoother. It can either be for personal or even my business. Not only do I want to know what sites are great to improve my productivity but I also like to know how they use them. I at times watch people like Thomas Frank, Ali Abdaal, and Jules Acree on productivity and how I can add that into my business. I thought I might share 3 productivity sites that I use daily for my business.


I use Trello daily to check what is on the list to do that day. The way I have it set up is Monday through Friday cards (This is what it's called) that you build your lists in. I have my lists in the cards that I need to get done that day. I use color labels to indicate if I have finished with a green label, yellow for in progress and red for was not finished. The great thing about the boards is that I can move the lists around as well as the cards to put them in a new order. I try to list what needs to be done first at the top and what is last that can be moved on to the next day's card if I did not get to it that day. Below is an example of what my Trello board looks like. 

Google Drive and Google Calendar

This one is nothing fancy but I thought I might mention it as well. I use google drive frequently to get to the blog post that I am working on in my google docs. I also use google drive to store files that are either for me or my clients. I like to create folders in google drive to make it easier to go to what I need. Google calendar is another one I use to lay out my day. I color code according to what that time block is dedicated for. It can be my morning routine blocked out to actual meetings that are blocked as well. I can create an event that is color-coded for the various parts of my business as well. I learned this from Jules Acree’s video and how she used google calendar to organize her days. I will link the video here if you want to check it out.


Lastly is Notion, this is such a powerful site that has multiple ways for you to use it. I use it for several things, one of them is laying out a schedule idea for social media content. I have a table where I have the title of what I will be posting and each title can become a page that I can click on to write out what I want to say. Other parts of the column identify to which social platform I will be posting to and the date of when it will be posted. However, to schedule social media posts I use later. On Notion, I also have a folder that has a client template checklist where I can click and create or duplicate for every new client I work with. The checklist is laid out for every step of the process that I need to take with them and any links that I need to go to quickly. This makes things more streamlined for me to serve my clients better. Below is an example of my social media post schedule idea layout. I will also leave a link to Thomas Frank’s video on how he uses Notion here.

These are 3 simple productivity sites I use almost daily to streamline what I do for my business. Some of them you may be used to and others I hope I helped show how they can be used if they are new to you. I wanted to share a little behind the scenes of what I do and what helps my process. As well as sharing with you other people who I have looked to help my productivity. 

What is your favorite productivity app or site? I am always looking for better ways to improve!


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