Humility a key characteristic in business: And why it is so important to start applying it now

You wouldn’t normally think that humility is a key characteristic of a business leader. However, I would dare say it is one of the most important if you want to see long-term success in what you are building up. Why humility, you might ask. From my experience in the workforce. Even starting a business, I have realized that humility is a part of choosing to be a better leader. I say choose because some people don’t see it as important. I want to explain why humility is key and what comes from a humble character that I hope helps you in your business. 

Now I wanted to start with what humility is not. It is not allowing yourself to be taken advantage of or a character trait that makes you seem weak. If anything humility helps you be seen as an understanding and an intentional leader. 

Why is it important:

Humility influences the way you interact with those in the day-to-day process of your business. It allows you to have an open mind to keep learning and be understanding to those you serve and those that serve you. It gives you a different viewpoint on how you treat your business, your workers, or your clients. Humility gives way to recognize that you are not always right or don’t always have the best ideas. You are not perfect and truly that is liberating to know you don’t always have to pioneer the way. Or even the pressure of it because you then give others the chance to share their ideas. However, it doesn’t exempt you from showing up and giving your best, which is always needed. When you realize you have limitations, humility lets you reach out to others who know what you may not. 

What comes from a character of humility:

This characteristic allows for an atmosphere of community, accountability, and creativity. With humility there is a choice to own up to your mistakes; this gives people around you the understanding that you care about them and for them. That you are open to then deciding to improve and make things better for your business. I like the way Lara Casey explains humility in her book Make it happen. “Humility creates an opportunity for strength when we choose to step outside our identity boxes and believe in possibilities not yet seen, possibilities that open us to give more, create more, and see more good.” Humility may be a character we have to come to practice and learn because it naturally is harder to exercise. It is now us choosing this characteristic as part of our identities. To allow for more honest conversations that build trust and healthy relationships/partnerships. 

What’s needed for a character of humility:

If you are starting to see the importance of humility you might be wanting to know what is needed to form this as a character of your identity. 

  1. I would say it is to have a willingness to listen. To open the environment for those around you to share ideas, constructive feedback, and encouragement. Then just listen to what is said often. This is a great indication of how you can improve and grow, and how others can improve and grow or even the business as a whole. 

  2. Recognition of others. Give credit to those who have great ideas that move the business forward. Even if you're just working with clients and they have great ideas on a certain project make sure to recognize that. It makes them feel heard and cared for and deemed as an important part of what you are doing. 

  3. Respect. Respecting others is part of humility. No matter who you are working with or those who work for you. Respect is needed. Not just for professionalism but healthy relationships as well. Especially for the trajectory of your business. 

Romans 12:3 (NLT)

Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.

We are all given so much in this life. But when you can recognize that what is happening is much bigger than yourself, you realize you can’t do anything but open it up to others. 

So friend, is humility a key characteristic in your business? What has made you believe so?


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