Seeking God first in a self-focused society

'Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.' Matthew 6:33 NLT

What does it mean to seek God first? It means laying down my nature and desires and having them replaced by what is true from God. 

What is the problem here?

The problem here becomes that we are focused on ourselves and gratifying our desires. When we become selfish it can get to a point where we disregard others for our wants. We are willing to hurt without caring what others might feel or experience because of us. It’s me first and we are willing to push people down or push them aside. Now, this is not how we all are. I’m just wanting to show the picture of what can happen in this extreme.

What does God say?

He has desires that are good and right for me and you. Seeking God is going against the grain of society and this world. But it is always so much more fulfilling because we are acting in the new nature that God proclaimed over us (Colossians 3:9). Which his spirit empowers us to choose him when we cry out. The world will never understand us for it. But then again the world doesn’t know God (1John 4:4-6). But we do which is why fighting to seek him is a day-to-day battle that is so important (Galatians 5:26-28). God knows it too and He is ready to equip us for whatever the day brings. The choices and decisions we will make are based on the integrity of how we now see ourselves in Christ Jesus. To your old friends or a stranger, they may wonder why we do what you do. But in my heart, I know what and who it is for. Why be like this world when we can like heaven. Not perfect but walking closer to the one that put a little piece of heaven inside of us. 

What can we do to change?

When our desires are now filled with God’s we see the purpose for which we are here. His will becomes our mission and his purpose becomes our motivation. Living with a mission in our hearts and with a purpose in our steps. This will influence the way we think, say, and do which matter greatly. We represent the kingdom of heaven that shapes our perspective for when we talk to someone, how we do our work and respond to difficult situations. The way we do this is with the Holy Spirit. 

To follow the Holy Spirit starts when Jesus comes to fill us and puts in us God’s Spirit. The Spirit truly opens our eyes, ears, and hearts. He allows me to hear him in bible study time. Listening though is intentional and you have to notice. But that comes when we quiet ourselves and the world down. That means for me I have put social media away. Reflect and just sit. It can be uncomfortable at times especially when you’re new to it. But the more I get to spend time with the Spirit the more I learn God’s voice. I won’t always get it right. I have to separate my thoughts or wants for a surrendered and opened heart. 

Some great practical ways to start changing our mindset from ourselves to others is by choosing to serve our friends, family, and neighbors. Making others as important as ourselves allows our minds to remember the people around us matter. Putting someone in front of you as valued allows you to serve them with a true heart. It may be listening to someone who is hurting and encouraging them. It may mean mentoring someone younger than you to show them to get better in an area you know well. Following through is now an action toward obedience. Honestly, this one can be tough for me because I can be very hesitant toward new things. To do things that are outside my comfort zone just causes me some anxiety. But God is a Father that knows us and he is there to give us the bold strength that we need. I think of Gideon a person we read of in the bible he was so afraid of a challenging situation but God knew his son Gideon and how to talk to him. The particular verse starts by calling him a mighty hero (Judges 6:17-22). Which always makes me smile because God knew he needed that. He knows the help I need emotionally and physically. I am so thankful for that. 

In God, we are made whole and complete. We are not missing anything when God is with us. It comes with walking with him in every part of your life. He puts all the pieces together. Balance and unity are found when He is the focal point in which everything is drawing from him. We can not run empty on God. Jesus is a never-ending well of water that you can draw from in every season. This perspective may take some time to change from a world that tells us things give us what we need. To be loved you need a partner, to have a good life you need luxury, to be confident you need to be like someone else, or you are not accomplished until you’ve reached blank success. All the world points to is brokenness and broken people which we are, however, in Jesus there is redemption. It all is a process. A process of sanctification that is in this life. There are positive things when it comes to our mindset shift to seek God first like a christ-like community, a godly marriage, financial freedom, healthy view of wealth that leads to generosity. But this doesn’t come till we have been around Jesus to start making this part of your daily lives. 

So friend, are going to choose to seek God first?


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