Passionately Prompted

A community of brand designers that stir one another to improve their skill sets to build the careers they deserve.


Services Provided

Brand Strategy

Visual Identity

Brand Application


Brand strategy:

Passionately Prompted was born out of the desire to help brand designers to build proud-worthy portfolios. That allows the increase of potential employer engagement and client leads. Through this community, designers have strategy-led prompts to develop and add to their portfolios. Showing their process in detail when branding to make an impact not just look pretty.

This account also gives resources and tips to improve portfolio communication through their writing and ways to showcase their designs with better mockup presentations. This space is all about equipping them with what they need to show their very best. The values that led this space are community, strategy, and learning. This is a place for designers that are open, supportive, and explorative in their creativity. These brand attributes build a robust and lively community for Passionately Prompted.


Visual Identity:


The logotype is built from the typeface Oriya MN that was tracked to give it more space to breathe with a focus on Prompted. Since it represents the invitation to participate and join in. On top of the type is what makes up the submark. The submark is using 2 custom-sized P’s that create a negative space showcasing a simplified version of the pen tool.

Inside the negative space, the circle and line draw your eyes to the asterisk on top. An asterisk by definition is a symbol used typically to make an annotation. An annotation is a note of explanation or a comment added. The asterisk was added to represent the feedback and comments that the community can give each other. As well as tips for improvement in their branding process and portfolio building. Included in the logo suite is a sort of badge for Passionately Prompted 1st and 2nd place winners featured for the week's prompt.


Brand Application:

With this being an online community-based group the brand applications shown help to bring excitement and connection through swag. It helps them represent the group they value and are proud to be a part of. Passionately Prompted being primarily on Instagram you can see an example of how prompts would be seen and shared with the community. The website's landing page gives all the needed information for designers interested to participate and start following along on the page.



